
  • Blackboard K-12 Mobile Communications App for Students & Teachers

    Integrate with all the school tools you need for a more streamlined communication experience.

  • All of Your School Information in One Mobile App 

    Provide all the information parents need—grades, calendars, homework and more—complete with instant notifications to keep everyone informed. Reach your community members on their smartphones and tablets with a district branded mobile app. Keep parents, students and your entire community engaged with the latest student academic information, news, alerts and notifications, calendars and many other resources. Plus, gather feedback from your community and families through tip-lines and surveys. 

  • Custom Branded App for Your District
    Engage parents and your community with on-demand access to the student and school information they want through their smartphones and tablets using our school communication app.
    Request a Demo

  • The Latest Info
    School and district news, multimedia, calendars, attendance hotline, staff directory and more.


  • Notifications
    Important announcements of critical alerts, school closures and early releases.


    Easy access for parents to class pages, assignments and grades for their students.


  • Helpful Resources

    Lunch menus and balances, athletics schedules, social media and more.
  • Optimized, Targeted Messaging
    Language Translation: Access over 100 languages across the entire interface
    Messages: Send messages directly to your community's phones
    Tip Line: Submit anonymous tips or suggestions for improvement.
    Send Surveys: Include images and categories

  • Personalize the Visitor Experience
    View grades and receive notices of grade drops.
    Assignments: View current, completed and missed assignments.
    Timely updates: Provide information they want most, when they need it.
    Lunch menu/balance: See menus, balances and low balance reminders.